National Education Summit 2019

Happy 15th Birthday to us
Tribotix ‘officially’ started trading on the 2nd April 2004 ….. so today we are celebrating our 15 Birthday. We have seen so much change over that time. Way back then there was only one robotic kit that you could buy for education, additional sensors for these kits were very expensive and you even had to pay for software licenses. These days consumers are spoilt for choice (which can sometimes be a…

We have moved ….

Robotica – Festival of Futurism at Scienceworks
A couple of weeks back we were lucky enough to be invited to demonstrate some of our robots at Robotica – Festival of Futurism at Scienceworks in Melbourne, held on Saturday 2nd March. It’s a long drive from Newcastle, but luckily we were in Melbourne the week before for some meetings …. and Heath flew down the day before to help out. It was a very busy day …. we were…

New website ….
In 2004 when we started out the first thing we did was create a website …. it was made using Dreamweaver with some Macromedia Extensions – primarily from PVII -ProjectSeven.com. Way back then, the internet was slow and web pages didn’t have much animation …. you couldn’t even embed videos into web pages, any videos had to be downloaded which usually took a long time to download for very little reward. Our website…

Robotis HQ visit
On our recent trip to South Korea for RobotWorld we got to spend 2 days at Robotis’s new Head Quarters – their new building is a 7 storey and purpose built where all the research and development, manufacture, assembly and packaging occurs. There is also a large space for training courses and competitions and a Makerspace that is equipped with 3D Printers, Laser Cutters and various electronic and hand tools. The main purpose…

RobotWorld 2018
In October of this year, we went to RobotWorld at the Kintex Exhibition Centre in Seoul, South Korea. This is one of the worlds major Robot Exhibitions …. it wasn’t as big as we expected but it was certainly worth the journey. The Korean Association of Robot Industry (KAR) provided an interpreter for us so that we could ‘talk’ to the exhibitors – all the robots, electronics, accessories, etc. that were…