Tribotix was established in 2004 to introduce innovative and affordable robotic equipment to educational institutions in Australia and New Zealand. If you’d like to know more about how we started out you might like to have a read of Our Story.
Tribotix isn’t just an online store …. it consists of three business activities, if you’d like more info on these business activities then please visit Our Capabilities.
Probably the best way to learn About Us is if we answer some of the questions we get asked ….
Where are we based?
Newcastle, NSW – for those that don’t know this is a 2hr drive north of Sydney and the centre of the beautiful Hunter Valley.
Where do we ship from?
We ship ALL our products from Newcastle, NSW where we keep our stock. We aren’t one of those businesses that are a front for an Asian company that ships from China or Hong Kong.
How quickly do you ship after an order is placed?
Our goal is to ship next business day, which we generally meet.
Do we keep stock?
YES, most items listed on our website we hold in stock. The only exception to this is the Hokuyo range of Laser Range Finders – we try to keep these in stock but due to their popularity, we do struggle to keep these. If you have an enquiry about a specific item then please contact us before your purchase.
Do we provide technical support?
YES, we know the products we sell inside and out and pride ourselves on the support and after sales service we provide to our customers.
Who answers our phone?
We use a Virtual Office (OfficeHQ) to answer our calls …. why? There are a number of reasons – using this services allows us to concentrate on what we are doing (rather than answer the phone for Telemarketers) and we are often busy teaching, on-site commissioning, etc. …. so it is just a more convenient option for us. We do get messages from OfficeHQ immediately and return calls as soon as is reasonably possible.