Features Include:
- Modular Design: with the range of custom designed frames and brackets design robots that are modular and easy to maintain is easy.
- Precise Control: Control position and speed with fine angular resolution. The AX, DX, RX & EX modules have 10bit resolution (1024 divisions), whilst the MX & X-series modules have 12bit resolution (4096 divisions) for positioning.
- Control Techniques:
- Compliance Driving: Control the degree of elastic force in position control (AX, DX, RX & EX), or
- PID Control (MX & X-series).
- Feedback: Feedback for angular position, speed and load size.
- Alarm System: Not only does the Dynamixel warn of a deviation from the user defined ranges (e.g. internal temperatures, torques, voltages etc), but it also automatically deals with the problems as they occur.
- Communication: Daisy chain connection with support for communication speeds up to 1MBPS (AX, DX, RX & EX), 3MBPS (MX) & 4.5MBPS (X-series).